Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kindergarten Graduation T-shirts

Hi Parents,
This year we are ordering class t-shirts for the students to wear instead of a little cap at graduation.  This will be made by the students and will be a treasured keepsake.  Please watch for the flyers to come home. There was a flyer sent on Thursday April 23rd.  There will be another flyer coming home this week just in case you didn't see it.  The cost is $5.00 per child shirt.  Parents are welcomed to order if they want (prices are on ordering sheet).  
Orders are DUE by Friday MAY 1st.

Graduation info and times will come out later so be watching for that!

See Sample of shirt below

Saying good bye to Mrs. Hagen....

Thank you Mrs. Hagen for helping us this year.  Good bye and good luck with your new baby!

Good bye Mrs. Hagen!

Good luck with the new baby!

Farm Days at JC

We went on a walking field trip to JC Elementary for a "Farm Day" put on by Selah High School FFA.
The kids had a great time!  Thank you at all the parents that helped out!

Oops! What is on my shoe?

Conference Week-"There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a......

This week we did a unit on "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a......