Thursday, December 3, 2015

November happenings......

Thank you to All those of you that have served and serving!!!!

Some working going on!!!!    We are thankful for.........

Halloween Party

Sorry so late, but here they are.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time!  Thank you parents for joining us:)

"All About Me"

Thank you families for sharing your child's "All About Me" pictures!! 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October Newsletter

Thanks for a great start to the year!!!

Here is my newsletter for the month of.......

October News from Mrs. Maybee


Dear Parents,

Our kindergarten year is off to a very good start.  The children are getting to know each other and making friends.  They seem to like school and I am enjoying them.  We are working on following school rules and classroom routines.  Ask your child about walking in line, taking turns, raising their hands, being good listeners and how that all works with “clipping up and clipping down.”


Reading: In Reading, we use a curriculum called Reading Street. The students have already learned how the alphabet works, rhyming words, letter naming, and have listened to and discussed some new stories. Ask them about the stories at home.


Math: In Math, we have been working on counting to 20 and recognizing and writing numbers 0-9.  One to one correspondence is very important when they count out objects, especially as the amount gets larger.  Also, we have been talking about shapes and their attributes.


Homework:  The students are given a homework packet on Monday and are asked to return it on Friday.  These are activities that shouldn’t take very long to complete each night.  I would really like the students to practice the decodable readers and phonics stories that come home each week as well.  You should receive two books a week.  Please practice reading these with your child nightly for extra practice.  Be sure they track with their finger as they read.  All your support at home makes a difference at school.  Thanks!


Reading Logs

We will be doing monthly reading logs so please fill out and return at the end/beginning of eac month.  (Hopefully we will be doing Pizza Hut BOOKIT! Program when supplies come)


Clothing: The cold weather is arriving. Please send your child to school with a jacket each day, as they will continue to go outside for recess, even on really cold days.  You may also want to send an extra change of clothes to keep in the room for abackup.


Parent Help:

Within the next month or so I will start taking in parent volunteers to help in the classroom and out of the classroom.  If your are interested please let me know through email  or by talking with me. You must have your volunteer form turned into the office and background checks up to date.  If you need forms they are loctated in the office.



6th – Books for Breakfast

      in the library 8:00-8:30

8th –  Individual Pictures
16th – PTO Movie Night
20th - PTO Meeting

                in the library 6:30-7:30

27th-30th Conference Week

                      early release at 11:30

30th - Spirit Day

       “Halloween Attire”


Please label all coats, backpacks and lunch boxes.  If something gets misplaced, you can check the “Lost and Found” here at JC


Spirite Week/Homecoming 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kindergarten Graduation T-shirts

Hi Parents,
This year we are ordering class t-shirts for the students to wear instead of a little cap at graduation.  This will be made by the students and will be a treasured keepsake.  Please watch for the flyers to come home. There was a flyer sent on Thursday April 23rd.  There will be another flyer coming home this week just in case you didn't see it.  The cost is $5.00 per child shirt.  Parents are welcomed to order if they want (prices are on ordering sheet).  
Orders are DUE by Friday MAY 1st.

Graduation info and times will come out later so be watching for that!

See Sample of shirt below

Saying good bye to Mrs. Hagen....

Thank you Mrs. Hagen for helping us this year.  Good bye and good luck with your new baby!

Good bye Mrs. Hagen!

Good luck with the new baby!

Farm Days at JC

We went on a walking field trip to JC Elementary for a "Farm Day" put on by Selah High School FFA.
The kids had a great time!  Thank you at all the parents that helped out!

Oops! What is on my shoe?